Avanti Lab harnesses creative group-to-group performance technologies to orchestrate a new level of real time global engagement. Here are some case studies ~
Ethiopian & Persian Musicians in a studio in Israel perform group-to-group
with a live audience and Israeli Musicians in a Los Angeles restaurant . . .
The Dead Sea Scrolls - LIVE!
The World's First Cinema-to-Museum Tour
Dead Sea Scrolls Chief Curator Dr. Roitman leads a tour from inside the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem
For the first time, a museum curator was able to lead a live, interactive museum tour from inside a museum overseas to a cinema audience across the globe. This tour was a 'group-to-group parlay' where multiple audiences participated together in real time, on a cinematic scale. This 2way cinema-to-museum tour inter-connected 350 students in a movie theatre in Los Angeles, California with the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. |
"Channah's Prayer"
Ancient Shiloh Song Case Study
500 women participated in this live event taking place in Ancient Shiloh — with an additional 100 women also participating from three cities in Florida. Together they sang a Call & Response ‘group-to-group’ song, live, across the globe.
Avanti stands for the Advanced Video & Audio Networked Theatre Initiative.
Avanti harnesses next-generation theatrical technologies to interconnect large groups on a cinematic scale across the globe, live. Large groups can see and hear one another via a real-time bridge.
Together, their shared participation creates a community that spans the globe.
Avanti harnesses next-generation theatrical technologies to interconnect large groups on a cinematic scale across the globe, live. Large groups can see and hear one another via a real-time bridge.
Together, their shared participation creates a community that spans the globe.